We provide services to help you remain living independently in your own home for as long as possible.
Caring for over 3,200 Residents and Clients
242,516 hours Residential and In Home Care per year
Employing Over 621 Australians
We’re here to help you every step of the way. From working out the right type of care you'll need, to guiding you through the aged care application process and working out what you can afford and what you can expect. Let’s get you started – give us a call – we’re great listeners!
At McLean Care, our devoted team shares a common passion: an unwavering commitment to enriching lives beyond borders. We prioritise the well-being of our staff, residents, clients, and communities, recognising our people as our greatest asset, aiming for fulfilling workdays.
To connect with our dedicated team, please tell us how we can help you and provide your details so we can get in touch with you.