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About us

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Caring for over 3,200 Residents and Clients

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242,516 hours Residential and In Home Care per year

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Employing Over 621 Australians

Our Mission

“Inspired by our community to focus on you.”

McLean Care® shares one simple, unifying mission: to inspire and empower you on your journey to live a life in wellness, fulfilment and joy, by providing care, support and options that enable you to remain part of your community and live a lifestyle of your own choosing.

We have a real passion for our communities, and it is our community who inspires us to seek out every opportunity available to make your journey an enjoyable and fulfilling one. We owe a huge measure thanks to our community for joining and supporting us, which allows us to continue to be a part of your story.

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Our Values

At the heart of our organisation lie our deeply ingrained values. We take immense pride in living these values, both in our individual actions and as a collective entity, all in pursuit of operational excellence. Our genuine dedication shines through in who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

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Our Vision

“Enriching experiences beyond all boundaries.”

McLean Care® ceaselessly pursues opportunities that will enhance your life and experiences, and create a sense of contentment and certainty for you, that you will have the quality of life that is important to you. This is an individual thing, and only you know what it means to you. McLean Care® aspires to understand what quality of life means to you, and make it happen.

From community and home-based services, independent lifestyle villas and housing options, to complete residential care, at McLean Care® we do what we say we’ll do, and go where others won’t go, to support you to make your life the one that you pictured.

Retirement and ageing can be both exciting and challenging, and we continually seek to create an environment of support and encouragement for you throughout the journey. We will share your hopes, dreams and aspirations, honour your feelings and individuality, and support your journey in any way that you need us… Enriching experiences beyond all boundaries.

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McLean Care Timeline

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    Killean Complex Established as a Retirement Village

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    McLean Care Expands into Community Services

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    McLean Care Purchases a Tamworth Private Nursing Service

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    HN McLean Retirement Village becomes known as McLean Care Ltd

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    McLean Care Becomes the New Custodians of CWA House in Oakey QLD

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    Seed Funding to Develop a VR Driving Simulator for Older Drivers

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    McLean Care Commences Management of Kolora Aged Care in Guyra NSW

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    McLean Care Receives Funding for the Establishment of the Smart Homes Program

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    McLean Care Becomes the New Custodians of Yallambee Aged Care in Millmerran QLD

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    McLean Care Becomes the New Custodians of Mackellar Aged Care in Gunnedah NSW

Our Team

Meet the people behind it all

A dynamic team of industry leaders dedicated to innovation and excellence. Their strategic vision ensures top-tier services and a commitment to your well-being.

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Board of Directors

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    Manuel Meszaros

    As Chairperson of McLean Care since 2016, Manuel Meszaros brings over 20 years of experience in accounting, financial planning, and risk management, ensuring strong governance and strategic growth.
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    Lia Mahony

    Vice Chairperson
    With over 20 years of experience as an Accredited Clinical Pharmacist, Lia brings expertise in aged care, clinical governance and healthcare education. She is passionate about quality services for regional communities.
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    Rev. Jean Bell

    With over 30 years of experience in chaplaincy and teaching, Rev. Jean Bell provides valuable guidance on emotional and spiritual wellbeing, ensuring residents receive compassionate, holistic support.
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    Mark Fenton

    A seasoned finance executive with over 25 years of leadership experience, Mark provides an extensive understanding of financial management, governance, and strategic planning.
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    Sue Craig

    Dr. Sue Craig is an experienced director with a strong background in healthcare, strategy and governance, and expertise in driving impactful reforms and improving customer experiences.

    Sean Rooney

    Sean was appointed to the McLean Care Board in April 2023. Sean is an experienced senior executive having held leadership roles in public, private and not-for-profit sector organisations.
  • Donna Bonney Board Director

    Donna Bonney

    Appointed to the McLean Care Board in February 2025, Donna is an experienced leader in health, education and community services.

Executive Leadership Team

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    Sue Thomson

    CEO & Company Secretary
    Throughout her 20 plus year career in the Health and Aged Care Sectors, Sue has been motivated to address the challenges faced by people living in regional, rural and remote Australia.
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    Paul Maher

    Director of Finance
    Paul is an experienced business management leader with over 20 years in financial and commercial management and is passionate about driving business growth and supporting regional communities.
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    Sarah van Dam

    Director of Home and Community Services
    A passionate advocate for quality aged care, Sarah combines a strong nursing background with extensive leadership experience in residential aged care services.
  • Ella Turner edited

    Ella Turner

    Director of Clinical Governance, Quality and Risk
    Ella is a dedicated clinical governance and risk management leader, committed to ensuring high-quality, safe care for older Australians and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
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    Melissa Read

    Director of Residential Services
    Melissa brings over two decades of experience in nursing and leadership to her role, advocating for high-quality, collaborative care for older Australians.
  • Natasha Charles

    Natasha Charles

    Director of People and Culture
    Natasha is an experienced HR leader with over 20 years of experience across multiple sectors globally and is committed to building high-performing teams at McLean Care.
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    Lynda Nguyen

    Director Project Implementation & Change
    Lynda is an experienced senior business leader and organisational psychologist with over 15 years of expertise in project implementation, change management and service model redesign.
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    Vanessa Jones

    Director of Marketing and Engagement
    Vanessa is a results-driven marketing and engagement leader, known for driving innovation, leading high-performing teams and supporting business growth and ensuring brand integrity.

News and information

Looking for the latest information on aged care? Or perhaps some health and wellbeing tips, inspiring stories or easy recipes?  Check out our news and information hub. 

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Our Awards



Runner Up Aged and Community Services State Award for Excellence – Volunteer Category



Winner 7th APAC Eldercare Innovation Awards (Asia-Pacific) – Best Smart Care Technology Product



Winner 7th APAC Eldercare Innovation Awards (Asia-Pacific) – Best Solution to Support Ageing in Place – Wellness



Winner 7th APAC Eldercare Innovation Awards (Asia-Pacific) – Innovation of the Year – Technology



Finalist Australian Road Safety Award – Community Program

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Finalist Australian Road Safety Award – Innovation Award

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Winner Aged and Community Services Trainee of the Year Award

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Winner Aged and Community Services Employee of the Year Award

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Finalist NSW Regional Business Chamber Excellence in Business Award

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Finalist NSW Regional Business Chamber Young Executive Award