Melissa Scott

Director of Residential Services

Melissa commenced her nursing career in aged care as an assistant in nursing in 1996 whilst undertaking her diploma in nursing to become and Enrolled Nurse. Melissa then went on to work for Health and during this time undertook her Bachelor of Nursing degree through Charles Darwin University. During Melissas tenure with health there was always a fondness and respect for the aging community which had an overwhelming pull and lead to employment with McLean Care as a Registered Nurse in 2010. Melissa feels fortunate to have been afforded the opportunity to have had various leadership roles within the organisation all of which allowed the enrichment of each residents experiences and person centred outcomes.

Melissa provides mentoring and leadership across residential aged care services so as to support a compassionate, reliable and respectful person centred approach through integrity, courage and resilience.

Melissa has a firm belief that nothing is too hard to achieve or to outlandish and if we work together collaboratively with our residents, families and staff we can achieve anything.

Organisations Melissa supports:

  • Starlight foundation
  • Black Dog Institute
  • Cancer Council