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Whistleblower Policy

Policy Statement

At McLean Care Ltd we pride ourselves on having high standards of behaviour and integrity. It is important that we uncover illegal and unethical practices as early as possible, as these practices have the potential to damage our organisation, our staff, and the people and communities we serve. We are a values-based organisation, where our culture encourages teamwork, diversity and inclusion, as well as community spirit, and we have zero tolerance for detriment against whistle-blowers.



The purpose of this policy is to outline the Whistle-blower provision within McLean Care.

One of the most effective ways that McLean Care Ltd can discover misconduct is through tip offs from employees. We want our employees and other stakeholders to know that:

  • we encourage you to speak up when you become aware of wrongdoing;
  • we will investigate disclosures of wrongdoing in a timely way; and
  • we will protect and support you if you disclose wrongdoing.

Wherever you feel comfortable, we encourage you to address wrongdoing or unsafe practices when you see them. Sometimes all that is necessary is an informal conversation with a colleague or manager.

However, in the event this is not appropriate, this Whistle-blower Policy sets out your options for making a formal whistle-blower complaint, and the protections and support provided to you. The Policy will also give you information about how the McLean Care will investigate disclosures that qualify for protection.


A whistleblowing is the disclosure by staff members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices occurring in the workplace either by other staff or the organisation.

Internal Reporting

To be eligible for the protections outlined in this policy and in the Corporations Act, whistle-blower complaints must be made to the following people:

  • A director, company secretary, or senior manager including the CEO;
  • The organisation’s auditor (Bentleys Brisbane);
  • The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), and any other Commonwealth body that is named in the whistle-blower provisions of the Corporations Act;
  • A lawyer who you see for the purpose of obtaining legal advice about your rights under the whistle-blower provisions of the Corporations Act;
  • McLean Care Ltd’s Whisteblower Officer who is authorised to receive whistle-blower complaints. This person
    Printed copies of this document are considered uncontrolled
    is the Director of Clinical Governance, Quality & Risk.
  • ‘Your Call’ via email, telephone, locked mail or website

If you feel comfortable doing so, McLean Care Ltd encourages you to disclose your whistle-blower complaint internally in the first instance. This will help us to identify and address wrongdoing as early as possible. If you would like more information before formally making a whistle-blower complaint, you can contact the Whistle-blower Officer.

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External Reporting

If you are not comfortable or able to report misconduct internally, you may report it to the McLean Care external and independent whistleblowing service provider. McLean Care has contracted Your Call Whistleblowing Solutions (“Your Call”) to receive and manage your report with impartiality and confidentially.

  • This option allows you to:
  • remain completely anonymous
  • identify yourself to Your Call only
  • identify yourself to both Your Call and McLean Care

The Your Call reporting options include:

  • Website https://www.yourcall.com.au/report 24/7
  • Telephone 1300 790 228

9am and 12am, recognised business days, AEST

Online reports can be made via the website address listed above. You will be required to enter McLean Care unique identifier code MCL001.
